Thursday, 15 November 2012


Week 14....Demonstration week......

Lots of things are been done in this week 14...
This is the week where I am going to demonstrate my prototype and being assess by two panel....
These are the pictures of the prototype and waveform window for monitoring muscle activities....

Prototype without casing.
Waveform window from laptop.
The demonstration date : 8th November 2012.
Venue : Dewan Gemilang
My seat no : 88


Week 13.....Final Year Project working progress....

This week 13, I've been working to complete the poster....
This is the draft of the poster....

The first draft.
The final poster.....



Week 12....Final Year Project working progress...

In the whole week 12, I've been working on the monitoring system for the EMG circuit through computer....

There are some errors occur during the compilation process. Mostly involving processing software which few of the software version that I've used are not compatible with the windows. So, as to overcome the problem I've to download the new version of software that suit with my laptop windows.